Malaya. (Straits Settlements). 1939. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Denmark bearing Straits Settlements SG 292, $5 green and red (top left corner marginal) tied by Registered/ Penang date stamp '24th Mar 1939' with matching 'R/ Penang S.S. D' registration label and Kobenhaven arrival on reverse '31st March'.
Scarce single $5 franking to Europe by Imperial Airways.
Malaya. (Netherlands Post Office in Singapore). 1946. Air Mail envelope addressed to the Netherlands written from 'Motorts Bat. Cie, c/o Mariners Brigade, Batavia' endorsed 'On Active Service' with circular 'Netherlands Post Office/ Singapore' date stamp in violet '18th Feb 1946' and framed 10 Gr.' in violet on face.
Malaya. (B.M.A. - Netherlands Post Office in Singapore). 1946. Air Mail envelope written from 'Netherlands Post Office, Singapore' addressed to New Jersey bearing British Military Administration SG 9, 10c purple, SG 12, 15c ultramarine and SG 13, 25c purple tied by 'Netherlands Post Office/ Singapore' rubber date stamp in purple ' - Mar 1946'.
Australia. (Malaya - Netherlands Indies - Prisoner of War -Red Cross Mail). 1943. Printed Australian Red Cross envelope headed 'Prisoner of War Post./ Service Des Prisonniers De Guerre' written from 'Hawthorn, Victoria' addressed to 'Jan Hendrik Hoving, Dureausweg, 14a, Batavia, Civilian Internee, Java' and printed 'c/o Japanese Red Cross Society/ Tokoyo, Japan' with '3 Opened by Censor' label on reverse tied by octagonal framed '3/ Passed By Censor/ 390' in violet on reverse and face with boxed 'Ken' etsuzumi' (Censored) and circular seal of "Miura" in orange on reverse, hand-stamped in violet and endorsed in red crayon 'Mare e Ikan' (Transferred to Malaya) and endorsed 'B10' in pencil.
Malaya. (Netherlands Post Office in Singapore). 1946. Envelope addressed to Batavia written from 'H.K. Ned. Troopes, Kuala Lumper, Malaya' endorsed 'On Active Service' with circular 'Netherlands Post Office/ Singapore' date stamp in violet '27th Feb 1946' and circular 'RAPWI/ Postkantoor/ Batavia' receiver '1st Mch 46' on reverse in violet.
Nice item from the Netherlands Post Office in Singapore addressed to the 'Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees' Batavia.
China. (Great Britain). 1948. Air Mail envelope addressed to Shanghai, China bearing Great Britain SG 475, 1s bistre tied by Selby/ York double ring, underpaid with framed hexagon 'T' hand-stamp and endorsed '2.6000' in blue ink and bearing on reverse China postage dues SG D924, $2000 purple (block of 10 with right sheet margin and strip of three) applied and tied by Shanghai receiver '18th Sept 48' on reverse.
Scarce use of postage dues during the communist conquest and post war inflation period.
China. (Imperial Airways via Hong Kong). 1939. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands bearing SG 425, 45c violet, SG 427, 60c blue and SG 429, $1 yellow-green tied by Shanghai date stamp '13th Nov 39' with matching registration label, endorsed 'via Hong Kong and per Imperial Airways' with Registered/ Hong Kong transit '20th Nov', bilingual 'Par Avion' label struck with framed 'cross' and Amsterdam arrival '2nd Dec' on face.
Attractive cover sent Imperial Air via Hong Kong with boxed 'jusqu'a' mark indicating end of Airmail service.
China. (Hong Kong - Thailand). 1939. Registered Air Mail envelope addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands bearing SG 430, $2 brown tied by Shanghai date stamp '13th Oct 39' with matching registration label, endorsed 'via Hong Kong/ Bangkok and per K.L.M.' with 'Registered/ Hong Kong' transit on reverse '18th Oct and Amsterdam receiver '2nd Nov'.
Lovely single franking sent 'K.L.M.' via Bangkok.
China. (Hong Kong). 1941. Air Mail envelope addressed to Amsterdam, Netherlands bearing SG 493, 10c green, SG 496, 30c scarlet, SG 520, 21c sepia, SG 523, 30c maroon and SG 596, $5 black and scarlet tied by Shanghai date stamp '19th Sept 41', endorsed 'Pan Pacific and per American Airways', routed via Hong Kong with 'Opened By Censor' tape (black on white) tied by boxed '27' censor cachet in violet with framed '126' in blue on reverse and circular ' Air Transit/ 2' cachet in violet on face and German censor tape tied by German censor hand-stamp in red applied at Frankfurt.
Scarce item with the Air Transit 2 (13.10.40) - (8.11.41) paying the $5 . 91 cents two Oceans route via Hong Kong over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Russia. (Burma Overland Mail). 1901. Registered Russian postal stationery envelope 5k violet upgraded with Yvert 38, 1k orange, Yvert 39, 2k green, Yvert 40, 3k rose, Yvert 41, 4k rose and Yvert 42, 5k purple tied by Moscow date stamp '18th Jan 1901' with circular 'R' hand-stamp and Moscou registration label, endorsed 'via Brindisi' in red crayon, addressed to Rangoon, Burma with Italy transit '4/2' and Sea Post Office transit 'Feb 18' and oval registered 'Sea Post Office' with '5435' endorsement in blue crayon in center and Rangoon arrival '28th Feb' on reverse.
A very beautiful six adhesive franking to Burma with scarce Registration Sea Post Office.
Russia. 1810. Folded letter written from St. Petersburg dated '22nd Feb 1810' addressed to Paris cancelled by small 'St. Petersburg' straight-line hand-stamp with 'Franco' hand-stamp, charged '20' in m/s red ink with 'Prusse Par/ Neuss' on face (Van der Linden 2352) and 'Prusse. p.m.' (Van der Linden 2360), with double ring Paris arrival 'Avril 13/ 1810' in red on reverse and re-rated '13' with '24 (erased) over 84' on reverse accountancy.
Fine item of mail routed via Magdeburg.
Russia. (Germany). 1859. Stamp-less folded letter written from St. Petersburg dated '26th Aout 1859' addressed to France, endorsed 'via Lubeck' with circular double ring 'F. TH. u. Tax. P.A.' dated '10th Sept 1859' on face, endorsed 'Porto' and charged with hand-struck '6' with French entry cachet and Paris receiver '12th Sept'.
Russia. (British Intervention Forces in Russia). 1918. Stamp-less picture post card of 'Archangel street scene' dated '22nd Dec 18' addressed to London cancelled by 'Field Post Office/ P.B. 66' double ring '23rd Dec 18' with oval 'X20' censor cachet in violet on face.
Fine item from Field Post Office P.B. 66 at Oberzerskaya from (15.1218) - (20.8.19).
Russia. (British Intervention Forces in Russia). 1919. Stamp-less picture post card written from 'Archangel' dated '2nd June 1919' addressed to London, endorsed 'On Active Service' cancelled by 'Field Post Office/ P.B. 77' double ring '19th June 19' with circular '(Crown)/ Passed By Censor/ No 47' in black on face.
Superb item from the British Army and Field Post Offices, Archangel Force. Emetskoe. Proud lists the Field Post Office (28.6.19) - (16.8.19).
Seychelles. (Naval Base). 1943. 'On Official Service' registered envelope addressed to 'Paymaster Lieutenant, T. Goldup R.N.V.R., Office of the Flag Officer, East Africa, Kilindini.' written from 'R.N. Base, Seychelles' dated '10.9.43', endorsed 'O.A.S.', bearing Great Britain SG 490, 3d pale violet tied by triangular framed 'Naval/ Passed By Censor' in blue anointed '860/ 21' in blue crayon (for registration), signed and dated '15/9.'
Scarce item of registered mail (3d pays the registration fee) from the 'Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve' on the Seychelles (consisting 20 personal). Little Naval mail is known from the Seychelles, the interesting 6 page letter mentions they will have an 'officers mess, 2 -3 R.N.V.R. and 6 civilians.'
Burma. (China - Field Post Office). Circa 1942. Air Mail envelope addressed to 'Mrs Evans, Worcester' written by 'Major J.G.W. Evans, Burma Frontier Force, Fuhai, Yunnan' bearing China SG 593, 50c blue, SG 594, $1 brown and blue (block of eight) tied by 'Field Post Office 242' date stamp on reverse of cover with bilingual 'Par Avion' label on face.
Major J.G.W. Evans was part of the 'Burma Frontier Force in China'. He was killed leading his patrol of 'LAHU LEVIES' (Unit) on an assault on two machine gun posts in the vicinity of Mongpawk, Kengtung State, Burma. The Lahu Levies had been raised by Major Evans at the request of General Lu, General Officer Commanding 93rd Division Chinese Central Government Army in December 1942. The Unit of the Burma Frontier Force in co-operation with the Chinese operated on the Northern Borders of Kengtung State against the Japanese and Siamese forces. The Lahu Levies was the smallest operation unit in Burma and fought from December 1942 until Evans death on April 8th 1943 at Mong Pawk.
China. (Boxer Rebellion - New South Wales Forces). 1907. Picture post card addressed to 'Sergeant Cantrel, R.A.M.C. Tientsin, North China' bearing New South Wales SG 334, 1d carmine-rose tied by Armidale/ N.S.W. date stamp '3rd March 07', routed via Victoria/ Hong Kong '30th March' with Base Office "B" dated '5th April' and 'F.P.O. No 4' receiver '9th April' on face.
Lovely item into the Royal Australian Medical Company in North China.
China. (Burma). 1942 Air Mail envelope addressed to Australia bearing SG 467, 8c green, SG 472, $1 brown and black (3) and SG 518, 17c olive tied by vernacular Yongchun date stamp '7th Jan 1942', routed via Kweilen and carried by 'CNAC' to Rangoon, Burma with '(Arms) Opened By Censor' label tied by framed 'Passed Censor/ 72/ X' in violet on face and reverse, then Imperial Airways to Bangkok with triangular framed '3/ Passed By Censor/ 304' in violet on face with '3 Opened by Censor' label applied in Melbourne on arrival.
Scarce item from Fujian Province via Kweilen and Rangoon by 'C.N.A.C.'
Konrad Morenweiser in 'British Asia' WW2 Censorship only lists the Rangoon 'X' censor from numbers 3 - 69.
China. (Boxer Rebellion - New South Wales Forces). 1907. Picture post card of 'The Cascades, Leura, N.S.W. addressed to 'Sergeant Cantrel, R.A.M.C. Tientsin, North China' bearing New South Wales SG 334, 1d carmine-rose tied by Armidale/ N.S.W. date stamp '10th Feb 07', routed via Victoria/ Hong Kong '11th March' with Base Office "B" dated '20th March' and 'F.P.O. No 4' receiver '29th March on face.
Lovely incoming mail to the Royal Australian Medical Corps in North China.
Hong Kong. (Treaty Ports). 1905. Picture post card of 'Limpsfield Common' addressed to 'Hiy Hwa, Foochow, China' bearing Great Britain SG 219, 1d scarlet tied by Limpsfield/ J08 duplex 'Feb 14 05', routed via Victoria, Hong Kong with Chinese Imperial Post Fukien transit 'March 24' and vernacular hand-stamp in red and 'Foochowfoo/ A' receiver (incorrect date slug).
Foochowfoo arrival Webb Type "B" arrival.
Hong Kong. (Switzerland - Treaty Ports). 1904. Picture post card of 'Swiss lady in national costume' written from the 'Hotel de Sauvage, Meiringen' with circular hotel cachet in mauve addressed to 'C.M.S.' (Church Missionary Society) Foochow, China' bearing Switzerland Yvert 60, 10c vermilion tied by Meiringen date stamp '15th June 04', routed via Singapore and Hong Kong with marine sorter 'Singapore To Hong Kong/ C' date stamp '10th Jy 04' sent on the steamer "Simla" arriving in Hong Kong '15th July' with 'Foochow/ A' arrival 'July 20th'.
Foochow receiver Webb Type "E".
China. (Manchuria - India). 1910. Crested envelope from the 'Worcester Regiment, Bareilly' addressed to Dairen, China' bearing India SG 149, 1/2a green and SG 150, 1a carmine (pair) tied by Bareilly date stamp '19th May 10', routed via Singapore and Hong Kong with marine sorter 'Singapore To Hong Kong/ E' date stamp '3rd June', sent on the steamer "Arcadia" arriving Hong Kong '8/6' with Imperial Post Shanghai transit '14th Juin' and arrival of the Japanese Post Office 'Darian I.J.P.O. in violet dated '18th June.'
Australia. (Netherlands Indies). 1945. Air Mail envelope addressed to 'R.N.J.A., Victoria Camp Block F. Casino, Australia' bearing Netherlands Yvert 381, 50c bistre (4), 10c green and 22 1/2c vermilion tied by Amsterdam date stamp '29th Oct 45', forwarded from Victoria Camp with endorsement "Japara" with 'Retour C,N,P, (G.P.O. Box 1386 R) to Brisbane'.
Victory Camp also known as Camp Casino was a Royal Netherlands East Indies Army Base and P.O.W. Camp formed by the Netherlands Indies Government in exile to house merchant seaman and political prisoners from Tanah Merah camp New Guinea.
From endorsement on reverse addressee had also been on Moratai Island, New Guinea as part of the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration.
French Colonies. (Afrique Equatorial Francaise). 1943. Photographic post card 'Free French Aeroplane in Africa' addressed to Abidjan. Ivory Coast bearing Afrique Equatorial Francaise Yvert 175, 20f on 2f grey tied by Lastourville/ A.E.F. double ring '11th Nov 43' with framed hand-struck 'Par Pirogue Postale' on face.
Canoe post, mailed on the Ogooue river in a 'Pirogue' (canoe) to Lastourville and being one of 12 cards flown to Cote D' Ivoire.
French Colonies. (Soudan Francaise). 1927. Soudan Francaise postal stationery envelope 25c black and green upgraded with Soudan Francaise Yvert 40, 50c orange and blue tied by Macina/ Soudan Francaise date stamp '25th Dec 27' addressed to France with Bamko transit '30th Dec.
Scarce commercial item of postal stationery from French Sudan.
French Colonies. (Tahiti - Oceania). 1948. Registered stamp-less envelope addressed to 'Captain of Vessel, Commandant of the Depot Equipment of the Fleet from the Port of Toulon, France' cancelled by Papeete/ Ile Tahiti date stamp '8th Avril 1948' with registration label and circular 'Marine Nationale/ Etablissements Francais de L' Oceanie' in violet on face.
French Colonies. (Wallis & Futuna). 1912. Envelope headed Protectorat des Iles Wallis/ et Futuna/ Resident de France/ dans L' Ocean Pacifique' addressed to 'Monsieur Grossin, Vierzon, France' bearing New Caledonia Yvert 92, 10c rose tied by ;Prt Francais/ Wallis' double ring '31st Juil 1912' with Cher arrival '4/9' and forwarded to Loir '5th Sept' on reverse.
Scarce first type Wallis postmark, an early usage before 1915. (Reference Sinais).
French Colonies. (Cote D' Ivoire). 1907. Coloured picture post card of 'Native Apolloniennes Women, Aboisso' addressed to England bearing Cote D' Ivoire Yvert 5, 10c black/ lilac tied by Jacqueville/ Core D'Ivoire' date stamp '10th Avril', routed via French Congo with octagonal French paquebot 'Loango a Marseille L.M. No 1' date stamp '18th Avril 07' on face (Salles 1252).
Scarce cancel from this small town on the Gulf of Guinea.
French Colonies. (Ivory Coast). 1904. Picture post card addressed to England bearing Cote D' Ivoire Yvert 8, 10c black/ lilac tied by Sassandra/ Cote D' Ivoire date stamp '19th Nov' routed via the French Congo with octagonal French paquebot 'Loango a Marseille L.M. No 3' date stamp (Salles 1256) dated '27th Nov' on face, sent on the steamer "Tibet".
Scarce cancel from this small town on the Gulf of Guinea.
French Congo. (Congo Francais). 1896. French Congo postal stationery envelope '15c blue' cancelled by Brazzaville/ Congo Francaise double ring '4th Dec' addressed to Liberville with Loango transit '19/12' and Liberville/ Congo Francaise arrival '24th Dec 96' on reverse.
Nice use of Congo stationery paying the 15 cents domestic postage.
French Colonies. (French Equatoriale Africa). 1941. Stamp-less envelope addressed to England written from 'James Heard, 'B.A.O.C.' General Spears Mission, Brazzaville, French Equatorial Africa' endorsed 'On Active Service' cancelled by framed 'Crown/ Passed by Censor/ No 2149' in red with Opened By Examiner/ 6250' censor label and 'Gr. Britain/London/ Official/Paid' meter dated '18th Oct 1941' on face.
After the humiliation of Operation "Menece" to take control of Dakar from the Vichy Forces in French West Africa, General De Gaulle with the Free French and General Edward Spears representing Churchill and the British Government established headquarters at Brazzaville, French Equatorial Africa, with the help of Chad they took Gabon and then control of Equatorial Africa from Vichy France.
A scarce item from 'General Spears Mission' in Brazzaville.
French Colonies. (New Caledonia - Constantinople). 1881. Envelope addressed to Paris, France bearing French General Colonies, Type :Alphee Dubois" Yvert 53, 25c ochre-yellow tied by Nlls. Caledonie/ Noumea double ring '29th Sept 81' with circular '(Anchor) Marine Francaise/ Nouvelles Caledone' on reverse, with 'Modene a Paris' ambulant in red , Paris arrival '26th Nov' and re-directed to Constantinople with 'French Post Office 'Constantinople/ Turquie' arrival '27th Nov' 81'.
Portugal. (Great Britain). 1830. Pre-stamp envelope written from Porto dated '12th Jan 1830' addressed to London via the British Packet Agency 'Lisbon' with hand-struck 'Lisbon' and rated '2/6' erased by London Inspectors 'Crown' hand-stamp on face and re-charged '7/6 in m/s with circular 'F.P.O.' arrival 'Jan 26th' on reverse.
Ex Professor David Stirrups.
Portugal. 1843. Insured stamp-less legal document addressed to the 'Comarca' (District Court) of Guimaraes cancelled by framed 'Segura Porto' hand-stamp in blue dated '28 Oct 1843' and endorsed 'P.g. 1,100 (indicating 1,100 reis paid).
Documents filed with the courts by individuals were required to pay the full letter rate and utilize the insurance system. The few "capa de proesso" (cover sheets) in private hands have been obtained (liberated) from court archives.
Rate : 10 Leguas, Letter rate for this distance - 50 reis per ounce. Insurance for 100 reis. Thus 1000 reis postage implies 20 ounces of documents.
Ex Professor David Stirrups.
Laos. (Great Britain). 1960. Envelope written from England addressed to 'The Bureau de Poste, Champasak, Republic of Laos' bearing Great Britain 'Wilding' SG 548, 6d purple tied by Kingston-On-Thames/ Surrey slogan dated '5th Dec 1960' with hand-stamp instructional 'Unable To Forward/ Service Suspended' in violet on face.
Mail service to Laos was suspended due to the Laotian coups and counter coup by Major General Phoumi Nosavan from November 21st 1960 - December 11th 1960.
Jamaica. (British West Indies). 1900. Stamp-less Official mail envelope printed 'On Her Majesty's Service' with 'Dead Letter Office/ Jamaica' and 'returned Letter/Paid' addressed to Kingstown with framed 'Returned / Letter Branch/ Mr 9 00/ Jamaica' and Kingston/ Jamaica date stamp 'Mr 9 00' on reverse.
The printed envelope was used for mail that was not delivered and thus returned to the writer. An elusive Official printed envelope.
British Guiana. 1942. Air Mail envelope written from 'M.F. Looney, Elmhurst Contr., Hyde Park. A.P.O. 803 in transit for A.P.O. 807, Trinidad B.W.I.' addressed to New York bearing British Guiana SG 293, 12c orange, SG 310, 4c black and carmine, SG 311, 6c blue and SG 312, 24c green tied by Air Mail/ British Guiana double ring '4th Jan 42' with 'Officially opened and resealed/ By Censor' label (black on buff) and circular 'Passed By Censor/ 6' in carmine on reverse.
Army Post Office No 803 in British Guiana before being transferred to Trinidad early 1942.
Spain. (Spanish Morocco - Civil War). 1938. Stamp-less envelope written from 'Rte. Maraino Zueco, 7th Bon de Aragon No 17, Estafeta, No 28' addressed to the 'Duchess de Guise, Larache, (Marruecos) cancelled by framed 'Censura Militar/ Batallon Aragon 17' struck twice on face with circular 'Censor No 26' cachet and Larache/ Protec arrival '9th Jul 38' on reverse.
The Aragon Offensive was an important military campaign during the Spanish Civil War which began after the battle of Teruel which ran from March 7 1938 to April 19 1938 smashing Republican forces.
Portuguese Colonies. (Mozambique - Madagascar). 1935. Registered Air Mail envelope with circular 'Colonle de Mozambique' in violet addressed to French Madagascar bearing Mozambique SG 334, 20c grey, SG 340, 60c olive, SG 344, 1e claret and SG 347, 2l reddish lilac tied by octagonal Mozambique Central date stamp '18th Juin' in red with Registration label and 'Par Avion/ Affranchissament Percu : Frs. (0.63) label in blue and Tananarive/ Madagascar arrival '25th Juin' on reverse
Fresh and attractive Registered Air Mail to French Madagascar with 'Par Avion tax label of Mozambique.
Persia. (Switzerland). 1937. Registered envelope addressed to Switzerland bearing Yvert 615, 90d rose and Yvert 619, 3r brown tied by bilingual Nowchahre double ring '13th Juin 37' with framed hand-struck 'R/ Now - Chahr.' and boxed bilingual 'Recommande' in blue, endorsed 'via Baku - URSS - Varsovie - Berlin' with Benoer Pehlevi (Arrrive) transit and Montreux arrival ' 28th May 37'.
Lovely item, routed overland via Azerbaijan Province (Iran).
Gambia. (Egypt - Red Cross). 1943. Air Mail envelope headed 'Comite International Geneve (Red Cross)' addressed to 'Red Cross Society, Bathhurst, Gambia' bearing Egypt Yvert 188, 2m orange (pair), Yvert 192, 10m violet and Yvert 195, 20m blue tied by Cairo date stamp '30th July 43' hand-stamped 'Papiers d' affaires' and 'Serv. mess civ.' with framed bilingual 'Postal Censor' in violet on face and 'Egyptian Censorship' label tied by circular 'Censorship Dept/ 2' on reverse, bilingual 'Par Avion' label and endorsed 'by Air up to Accra' with Freetown transit '2nd Sept 43' on reverse.
A British Red Cross committee was founded in the Gambia to assist British soldiers detained in French West Africa.
Egypt. (Indian Expeditionary Force). 1915. Stamp-less envelope headed ''Dr Azer Wahba, Oculist, Medecin en Chef de l' Hopital, Zagazig' cancelled by 'F.P.O./ No 312' date stamp on reverse '12th May 15' with bold double ring 'Passed By Censor/ Indian Expeditionery Force/ 38' in blue on face and Var arrival '31st May'.
Fine item from Field Post Office No 312 in Zagazig unusually addressed to France.
Fiji.(Pacific Islands). 1952. Registered envelope addressed to 'The Methodist Overseas Mission, Suva' bearing SG 251, 1 1/2d carmine and SG 259, yellow-green and scarlet tied by Buca Bay/ Fiji date stamp '29th July 52' with framed 'R/ Buca Bay/ No 325' hand-stamp on face in violet and Suva/ Registered arrival on reverse '1st Aug'.
Buca Bay registration hand-stamp Proud (15.4.49) - (12.9.53).
Ex Tony Eastgate.
Fiji. (United States). 1949. Envelope written from 'Fiji Leprosy Hospital, Makogai, Fiji' addressed to New York bearing SG 270, 2 1/2d green tied by Makogai/ Fiji date stamp '13th Oct 49', underpaid, routed via Suva with double circle 'T/ 10' Hand-stamp in violet with bold 'Postage Due 4 Cents/ Seattle, Wash' in violet on face and bearing United States postage dues SG D704, 2c carmine (pair) cancelled by 'pre cancel' New York roller.
The Suva tax hand-stamp is known from (23.11.48) - (1.7.50).
Makogai is a volcanic island about 40 miles east of Vitu Levu. In 1911 Fiji transferred its leprosy settlement from Beqa to the small island of Makogai. It was suggested that all inmates and staff should send mail free of charge. The mail was very slow reaching Suva 6 weeks later having been disinfected on the island. By the 1930's the number of patients at Makogai was 700, to be sent there was a life sentence. They consisted of Pacific Islanders and a large Indian population. After WW11 with the result of new drugs it was decided to vacate the island.
Ex Tony Eastgate.
Ceylon. 1885. Ceylon postal stationery envelope 'Five cents on four cents' grey/ blue cancelled by '58' numeral with adjacent Bogawantalawa/ Paid date stamp 'Jy 24 85' addressed to Slave Island, Colombo with Slave Island/ Paid and Colombo arrival on reverse.
In the eighteenth century the Dutch East India Company housed its enslaved people on the island. The name was coined during the period of British Colonial rural and was a reverence to the usage of the island under Portuguese rule as a holding area for African slaves.
Aden. (Persian Gulf - Steamer Point). 1941. Air Mail envelope addressed to Belfast, Ireland bearing SG 22, 3a sepia and carmine (pair) and SG 23, 8a orange tied by Aden double ring '10 Mar 41' with framed 'R.A.F./ Censor' in red on face with 'P.C. 22/ Opened By Censor' label tied by framed 'Passed By Censor/ No 18/ Aden' hand-stamp in violet.
Very fresh cover from the 'R.A.F. Headquarters' at Steamer Point.
Bermuda. (Morocco - Great Britain). 1942. Air Mail envelope addressed to Philadelphia bearing Great Britain SG 470, 6d purple and SG 475, 1s bistre mixed with TANGIER SG 249, 1d red tied by British Post Office/ Tangier double ring '24th Sept 42' with large framed 'Par Avion/ American Clipper' on reverse, intercepted by the British in Bermuda with 'P.C. 90/ Opened By Examiner/ 3608' and endorsed 'I/C'.
Examiner in Bermuda censorship 3608 listed by Konrad Morenweiser in British West Indies World War 11 by Peter Burrows.
Large 'Par Avion/ American Clipper hand-stamp note listed by 'Ian McQueen' in 'Airmail Directional Handstamps'
Gold Coast. (British Packet Liverpool). 1888. Postal stationery card 'penny half penny' brown written from the 'Wesleyan Mission, Cape Coast' cancelled by '556' numeral with adjacent 'Cape Coast/ C' date stamp 'Nov 29 88, addressed to London with circular 'Paid/ Liverpool/ BR Packet/ 22 Dec 88' on face in red with 'A.1.' code slug inverted.
Lovely item very fresh.
Gold Coast. 1889. Envelope addressed to 'Winch Brothers, Stamp Importers, Colchester' bearing SG 13, 2d grey (pair) tied by '556' obliterator with adjacent Cape Coast/ C date stamp 'Ja 9 89', endorsed 'per S.S. "Volta" with 'Paid/ Liverpool/ Br. Packet/ 11 Fe 89' in red on face and Colchester receiver on reverse 'Feb 12th'.
The 'S.S. "Volta" of the British & African Steam Navigation Company sailed from Akassa to Liverpool via West Africa.
Gold Coast.(Travelling Post Office). 1935. Envelope from the 'Bank of British West Africa' addressed to Oda bearing 'Silver Jubilee' SG 113, 1d grey and ultramarine tied by Kumasi/ Gold Coast date stamp '17th June' with 'Central T.P.O. No 2' date stamp on reverse '18th June' and Oda arrival.
This Travelling Post Office or Central T.P.O. ran from Huni Valley to Kade.
Its a real pleasure to add a magnificent selection of French Colonies from Africa, Asia, The Caribbean and Oceania. Very fine pre-stamp, British Post Office, Charged Mail, Advice of Receipt, Printed Matter and postage due mail. A lovely selection of censor mail, some with five or six censor cachets and labels, routed Trans-Africa, two Ocean or over the Atlantic with some unusual destinations.
A few items from the Dr. Edward Grabowski collection, this amazing sale sold in three parts by Spink. Also interesting Tahiti and New Caledonia from Tony Eastgate's life time work.
Over the next few months we hope to add many items to grace the finest collections.
A strong area of stock is our China from Imperial to WW2 with many fine censor covers and Air Transits. A good selection of the overseas Post Offices, Austrian, British, French, Japanese and Russian with offices in Manchuria. Many mixed combinations, I.P.O's .
Coming soon the John Marc Sitarek accumulation of China, French Post Office and Indo-China with magnificent French Detachment in the Boxer Campaign covers.
John Marc also had a fine selection of the Chinese Labour Force which are not often seen, he built this selection over thirty years. One of the darker aspects of World War One was the plight of 12,000 Chinese workers who were recruited by the British Army from the North of China in 1916 to serve on the battle front in France as labourers, trench diggers, munitions carriers, mine disarmers and corpse bearers under often inhumane conditions. A large number were also struck down by the devastating Spanish flue of 1918.